Friday, August 7, 2009

Hardly Photobooth-ic

Just in case you missed the point of this post, here's a hint: Roses are red and so are you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blueberry Boy-Bait

Not exactly fishing for any boys here but I wanted to make these upon hearing the name!It just sounds intriguing does it not?Anyway, this is the original recipe from a Chicago teenager for the Pillsbury $100,000 Recipe & Baking Contest 1954, or so it says.

This "bait" is pretty good but not WOW if you know what I mean. (Or I am just plain fussy about my food) I think I will give Nigella's recipe a try before I decide to bait any boys with this dessert. She promises it to be more Britain-style in her book How To Be a Domestic Goddess, ( which I recently got in my bunch of birthday gifts ) and that just has me excited, not baiting British boys excited, but then again, British boys are pretty darn cute! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Prolonged interlude

You will just have to be a little patient waiting for my birthday post.
In the meantime, here are some light and fluffy scones!
*with orange marmalade
Tea, perhaps?:)