Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pie in the sky

Pie in the sky.
Kind of.
(Should have photo-shopped away my hand.)

This is kind of lame!
I know what you are thinking- why on earth does she want to position the still hot apple pie (as deduced from the pink oven "mitt") at such a precarious position.
Others are wondering- my gawd. if she drops it. my gawd.
The things I do to try to get natural lighting.
Gee whiz.

Still no camera.
Had to wade through seriously sarcastic waters to acquire the very good camera phone from one of my household resident.
The things I do to try to get a picture of my pie!
Ho hum!

Made this today for a seriously overdue GAT using mum-tested newspaper recipe adding a pinch of salt not mentioned in the recipe when cooking the apples for this apple pie! I wanted to add some cheese to the crust a la Pushing Daises style but the bf and family are no big fans of Roquefort, Gruyère, Camembert, Black Brie... OK.cheese in short.
Strictly speaking, I am no connosieur in Cheese and I certainly am no true blue cheese eater but I do enjoy fresh Parmesan on my pasta, those mozzarella on my pizza and in this case, I reckon apple pie with a hint of cheese crust would probably be on my list for 'cheese-food'.
This is GAT 8!
(Not counting the super big treat he got for his birthday)
Long hiatus eh?

Those that are interested in knowing what I have been up to besides swiveling my pie plate outside my kitchen window, if you are on my facebook, pictures probably say a thousand words~
Alternatively, check out the pictures on Weini's blog!

For those who are lazy though, let me try to sum it up with a string of words:
Potter, Bf, Catwalk, Elaine, Birthdays, Young Victoria, New Jeans,School,Hagen Daaz,ETC.
Lazy to continue.

To have a party or not that is the question.


"Tramie" said...


chocolatecup said...

awwww. thank you tram:)