Yummy Tummy
Chocky Wocky
The Bf had some.The Brothers had some. The Mum had some. Lingyi had some. Ting had some. Weini, Jamie,Janet, JT and the rest who are going to her party on Monday will get some:)
Tag:(In order of pictures displayed from left) Meatloaf cupcake 3, Meatloaf cupcake 2, 3, 4, Meatloaf cupcake 3
Tag: Linzer Sablés 3,4,5
Tag: Linzer Sablés 6,7
Tag (above): Meatloaf cupcake 1,4, Boiled African Broccoli
Tag(below): (From left, clockwise direction) Linzer Sablés 1-10 with icing sugar, Cherries, Wayne, Boiled African Broccoli, Meatloaf cupcakes 2,3 Scrambled eggs, Plastic fork 1, 2, Meatloaf cupcakes 1,4, Boiled African Broccoli
P.S For having a true Haagen dazs experience. Please go with Wendy KTingwen.
P.S.S I had fun lah Ting! Your friend is funny too.
Enid Blyton is like one of my favourite childhood writers and i read almost all her books. Yeah. i know. my mum bought me almost every single one of those books.but i realized i do not have those two!!!i really loved the magic faraway tree series. i kind of want this:
for christmas.
i think i will probably get it myself for myself:)
**all images from http://www.upthefarawaytree.50megs.com/illustrators.htm
P.S Definitely making christmas cards this year.
P.S.S update with a more christmassy post when i am not so fed up arguing with my sis halfway when i was writing this post.